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Blog entry by Liz McKnight

Click Here: ESWA News - CALENBERG MILEPOSTS (May-June 2024)

“What the Lord has
done for me, I cannot tell it all!”


When we were serving in Nigeria, we learned a chorus the Christians loved to

What the Lord has done for me, I cannot tell it all (repeat)
He saved me and washed my
sins away!.

So I can shout,
“Hallelujah,” (repeat)

And I can sing, “Praise
the Lord!” (repeat)

Looking back over the months of May and June
this song expresses the joy and thanksgiving in my heart for what the Lord has
done for us and for ESWA. Here are some reasons for shouting, “Hallelujah!”


Our last Mileposts
alerted you to the immediate support needed to finish funding for
the new Administrative Building on the new ESWA Campus. PRAYER ANSWERED! Some
of you contributed sacrificially and some major donors joined our ESWA Support
Team and the need has been met. The building is going up and will be completed
at the end of September when we will move to the new campus.



 On May 21 a team of seven leaders of Dallas
Seminary, led by President, Dr. Mark Yarbrough
, arrived in
Liberia to minister at several ESWA events. Their week was blessed in every way
and all the months of preparation by the ESWA Team, were rewarded in a
wonderful way. See the events and pictures below.

On May 25, the Second
ESWA Graduation
was held and eight students finished their
Master of Divinity degree. I was privileged to speak at the Baccalaureate Service
held on May 19 after a fun “Class
Night” dinner
the class put on for the staff and families of
the graduates. Dr. Yarbrough was the main speaker at the Graduation, and it was
a day of great celebration. In Liberia, graduations are as big as weddings!

Rick with Dr.
Michael Ortiz
(DTS Vice President of Global Ministries &
Associate Professor of Missiology, and Director of the International Council
for Evangelical Theological Education), Dr.
Mark Yarbrough
(President of DTS) and Dr. Jay Sedwick
(Professor and Chair of the Educational Ministries & Leadership Dept. at
DTS, and co-founder of ESWA).


On the afternoon of the same day, we dedicated
the newly completed, beautiful and spacious Research Center on the new ESWA Campus.
Carol cut the ribbon and the first event in the building was a gala President’s
Dinner with 100 in attendance.


On Monday and Tuesday, May 27-28, over 500
pastors and church leaders and teachers from all 15 counties of Liberia (they
do not have states) came to Monrovia for the Story of Scripture Conference taught by
Dr. Yarbrough.
The logistical challenges of transporting, feeding and finding accommodation
for those coming from outlying counties was monumental but our staff pulled it
off. The teaching by Mark was superb and contextualized and the Liberians
responded with great enthusiasm.

On Thursday of that week, May 30, 50 leaders
of theological training ministries and schools gathered for a consultation
taught by Dr. Michael
about Theological
Education and Mission
.  He discussed the importance of
theological education for accomplishing the Church's mission in the world.

What made these events very strategic and special was the presence of
Mark Yarbrough and the DTS team to see the work of ESWA. They have committed to
promote ESWA and work closely in partnership with ESWA moving forward. This
will help insure the future of ESWA, a concern we have had in light of our
eventual retirement.


Thank you for your role in the establishment and future of ESWA. We are

Rick & Carol Calenberg

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